DVD New Releases

Following the Bestseller lists, Library Bound releases secondary lists called The B-Sides. B-Side titles are identified at the time of Bestseller selection and are considered “the best of the rest.” B-Side lists are especially useful as a selection aid for Librarians and Library staff who would like to see a broader selection of the season’s new releases, without reviewing every catalogue and peer journal.

B-Side Spring 2018 B-Side Spring 2018

B-Side Lists are selected by Ron Stadnik, Print Material Manager, who has over 30 years of experience in public library material selection. Ron is a graduate of the University of Waterloo and has a Journalism Degree from Conestoga College.

Library Bound produces comprehensive Bestseller Lists three times a year in the areas of Adult Fiction & Non-Fiction, Children's & YA Fiction and Non-Fiction, as well as Comic Strips & Graphic Novels for Adults and Children. Lists are released in January/February, June and October each year.

 Adult Fall 2020    


Current seasons BS Lists

Kids Colldev

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